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IGN: Chobi
over 2 years ago

We make massive videos with our smartphone and of Mobile Phone Number course you want them to be viewed well. For that you have to be friendly to the algorithms. How do you do that? How do you ensure that your video scores as well as possible online? Geertje Algera tells all about this in her book Making professional videos with your smartphone (affiliate). When posting a video, the Mobile Phone Number algorithm of the relevant social media channel comes into play, because social media use data to distribute your video. That's why professional content creators try to influence algorithms. Create Mobile Phone Number videos that score with the algorithm of the channel of your choice. Interaction and involvement positively influence the algorithm.


Content creators focus on two things: Interaction involvement in the video All algorithms are different – ​​and also change regularly – but in general you can say that the Mobile Phone Number following things are important: your cover photo and the first shot the time of posting the text with the video the watch time of your video any hashtags location tags and tags of people and companies the Mobile Phone Number content and emotional charge of your video The latter is especially important for interaction and involvement. Mobile Phone Number Cover and first shot Your cover photo or thumbnail is the image you see when the video isn't playing. That can be the first shot, but on most platforms it is also possible to choose your own cover. Do not opt ​​for a logo or text, that is much too boring.


 The thumbnail is your video's calling card and should look Mobile Phone Number attractive. Post a clear photo, preferably with a (smiling) person in the picture. People like to click on other people. Mobile Phone Number Keep it simple, use little text and make sure the thumbnail reflects the content of the video. To make a good thumbnail, you need a high-resolution photo as a basis. Therefore, when you are filming, immediately take a few good photos of your main character with him or her looking into the camera.Mobile Phone Number  Didn't make it and do you still want to distill a high-resolution photo from your video material? Then use the Video2-Photo app for the.

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